Previous MIller Arts Scholars Award Recipients
Class of 2024

Tyler Burkhardt, Music
Rising 3rd Year Award
Comet (E.P.)
This project will consist of a 4-song, all original E.P. The genre will be primarily modern
jazz with hints of fusion and world music. The songs will be primarily instrumental and focus on tonality and meter we don’t hear in popular music today. My stylistic experience in metrically modulating rhythms and shifting modal harmonies will center the album, but each song will be focused on a different aspect of these ideas.
Faculty Advisor: Michael Rosensky

Tyler Burkhardt, Music
Rising 4th Year Award
Eclipse (E.P.)
Last year, for my 3rd year arts award, I recorded an E.P. “Comet” of 4 original songs. The project was a huge success, and I’d like to propose a similar project for this year, but with new music and a new vision.
Faculty Advisor: Mike Rosensky

Becca Davis, Drama
Performing Shakespeare: Attending Shakespeare & Company’s Summer Shakespeare Intensive for Actors
I am requesting a $3,000 Miller Arts award to help cover my tuition for the 2023 Summer Shakespeare Intensive for Actors through Shakespeare & Company (May 29-June 26).
Faculty Advisor: Tovah Close

Jalia Dillard, Drama
Rising 4th Year Award
The People of 276: Persevering Through Generations
I am requesting a grant of $3,000 to aid with the project. This award will support me by enabling me access to a camera, and all of the equipment for video creation.
Faculty Advisor: Mona Kasra

Elise Ebert, Music
Rising 3rd Year Award
Classical Voice Performance Study in Vienna
In Vienna, I will be taking 16 credits, including both Music and German courses. I am very excited for my schedule, which includes a Music Performance Workshop, where I will participate in weekly chamber, solo, and opera theatre performances, join an ensemble of instrumentalists and vocalists, have an in-house collaborative pianist, and learn from guest lecturers and renowned professionals from Vienna. I will also take private lessons and end the semester with my own vocal recital. This recital will help prepare me for my UVA third-year recital, which I will present only 4 months later in the Spring.
Faculty Advisor: John Mayhood

Cecilia Huang (黄馨萌Xinmeng Huang), Drama
Rising 4th Year Award
Directing A Play
During this project, my top priority will fall on the aspect of directing and acting. In the past two years at the Drama Department, I greatly focused on those two areas.
Faculty Advisor: David Dalton

Emily Hunter, Music
Rising 3rd Year Award
Performance Inspiration: A New Perspective
I am asking for funding in three areas: continuing private lessons over the summer with my local instructor in Northern Virginia, attending a New York Philharmonic Orchestra concert, and one private lesson from a New York flutist, recommended by Kelly Sulick. This work will be ultimately presented via two orchestral excerpt recordings: one before I visit New York and one after.
Faculty Advisor: Kelly Sulick

Emily Hunter, Music
Rising 4th Year Award
Investing in my Flute’s Tonal Flexibility
I am proposing to receive funding to upgrade my flute’s head joint. The grant would allow me to invest in my future music career and surpass the limitations of my current instrument for my proposed DMP recital, where I will be performing expressive French flute repertoire.
Faculty Advisor: Kelly Sulick

Heeran Karim, Studio Art
Rising 3rd Year Award
Five Stages of Grief
I plan to create a picture-book of approximately 20 prints associated with the 5 stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Each print will involve a mixture of planography, intaglio, and relief; I hope to have many layers on a single page. Each stage of grief will have 4 prints associated with that certain stage. The story of the book will follow a character in their journey of life; they will experience loss and embark in the five stages of grief. I hope to portray their emotions and process in finding themself and acceptance.
Faculty Advisor: Akemi Ohira
Studio Art

Heeran Karim, Studio Art
Rising 4th Year Award
The Melancholy of Memory
I propose to create a series of seven prints for my Disinguished Majors Program (DMP) show, and I hope to edition and frame each of the pieces.
Faculty Advisor: Akemi Ohira
Studio Art

Anne Kickert

Hyebin Lee, Studio Art
Rising 3rd Year Award
Humans of UVA: Stories to be Heard
I propose that I will make a short documentary series that is about 4 episodes which will be distributed primarily through Youtube. My vision for this project is to tell often untold stories in our UVA community. These digital stories will not be limited to just students and professors.
Faculty Advisor: Mona Kasra

Hyebin Lee, Studio Art
Rising 4th Year Award
Present in the Past
I propose to make an autoethnographic short I'm and a portrait series exploring my identity as an immigrant Korean American by creatively examining the interactions of three generations: my grandmother, mother, and I. The short film will be distributed through Youtube, and the portrait series will be exhibited at a physical location. This funding will allow me to pursue my passion for visual storytelling, new media art, video art, and film making. The award money will be used for filming equipment and post production expenses.
Faculty Advisor: Mona Kasra

Cassie Lipton, Music
Rising 3rd Year Award
National Flute Association Convention 2022
For many years, I have wanted to attend the National Flute Association Convention, which would involve a similar kind of rich educational experience, but on a much larger scale. This year’s convention is being held at the Hilton Downtown in Chicago, Illinois, and for my rising third-year arts award, I would love to request funding to be able to attend this convention.
Faculty Advisor: Kelley Sulick

Cassie Lipton, Music
Rising 4th Year Award
Exploring Music in the Birthplace of Jazz
I would like to request funding to travel to New Orleans in the Summer of 2023. Known as “the birthplace of jazz,” New Orleans has long been a hotspot and melting pot for musical creativity and a variety of musical cultures.
Faculty Advisor: Kelly Sulick

Talia Pirron, Music
Rising 4th Year Award
Fourth-Year Recital: Reflections
I am proposing support for a fourth-year voice recital which would allow me to present the culmination of my work as a music major and arts scholar at UVA. I am requesting $2500, which I have broken down in detail in my budget below, to be used to support the artistic preparation as well as logistics for putting together said recital.
Faculty Advisor: Bonnie Gordon

Collin White, Dance
Rising 3rd Year Award
Expanding my Dance Training and Preparing for Future Choreographic Work
My project proposal is to attend the Joffrey Ballet School San Francisco summer intensive program from July 25 - August 6, 2022. With this grant, I am hoping to gain more experience within my discipline. At this intensive, I will be able to take ballet, contemporary, modern, pilates, and a variety of other classes throughout the two weeks that I am there.
Faculty Advisor: Katie Schetlick

Adin Yager, Music
Rising 3rd Year Award
Creating and Performing a “lofi” Album
I am proposing the creation and performance of an album to be completed over this summer and fall. I will be recording, producing, mixing, and mastering the album, and then releasing it to music streaming platforms. Then, I will be creating and performing live sets of the album. I will be using this grant money to ensure that my album will be as authentic and high quality as possible, and that I am able to perform my music to live audiences to further my exploration of this genre.
Faculty Advisor: Michael Rasbury
Class of 2023

Elie Bashkow, Music
Rising 3rd Year Award
Recording A Four Song EP
I am proposing recording a four song EP in studio over the summer and into the fall. I would like to take a quality over quantity approach with this project, trying to craft each song with the utmost care and cutting no corners to make sure it is truly the best sounding work I can create.
Faculty Advisor: Ted Coffey

Elie Bashkow, Music
Rising 4th Year Award
Summer in Nashville, TN
I would like to spend the summer in Nashville, building professional connections and expanding my network outside of Virginia.
Faculty Advisor: Ted Coffey

Regan Borucke, Drama
Rising 4th Year Award
Reimagining Shakespeare Monologues: A Multimedia Project
For my fourth year project I would like to create a work that brings together four major passions into one multi-media project; Shakespeare, SFX Makeup, filmmaking and projection design. The purpose of this project is to honor the language and expression of Shakespeare’s words through a more experimental and unconventional art form.
Faculty Advisor: Mona Kasra

Regan Borucke, Drama
Rising 3rd Year Award
Classical and Shakespearean Performance in London
I do firmly believe that intensive training is necessary to becoming a well-rounded actor which is why I would like to apply to study abroad at two different conservatory style semester long programs. I am requesting $3,000 to attend one of the following opportunities, both in London, England. The London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts Semester Program for Classical Acting is my first choice.
Faculty Advisor: David Dalton

Britney Cheung, Music
Rising 4th Year Award
Roseland String Quartet Fourth-year Recital
Our string quartet hopes to perform a fourth-year recital in the Spring of 2023 (potentially on April 21st and 28th) to present the work we have accomplished over the past three years as a chamber ensemble. The four members of our group: Britney Cheung, Alex Taing, Isabelle Lesmana, and Christopher Fox, have played in string groups together (as a string quartet and with other musicians at UVA) since our first year, and hope to culminate our experiences together in this final project.
Faculty Advisor: Daniel Sender

Brenna Courtney, Creative Writing
Rising 4th Year Award
Semester Studying English Literature at the University of Oxford
I will be spending next semester as a visiting student at Hertford College in the University of Oxford, and I am thrilled for this opportunity to cultivate both my analytical prose and my understanding of English literature, criticism, and theory. I sincerely thank the Miller Arts committee for the consideration of my proposal.
Faculty Advisor: Brad Pasanek

Meggie Ferguson, Drama
Rising 4th Year Award
Personalized Training of the Voice and Body for Theatre
Over the past two years, despite difficulties posed by the pandemic, I have tried to make the most of the opportunities at UVA and elsewhere to continue my actor training. I would like to pursue a career in musical theatre, TV, and/or film, so I have sought out experiences focused on singing, acting, and dancing in order to hone my skill set.
Faculty Advisor: Tovah Close

Christopher Fox, Music
Rising 4th Year Award
Cello DMP Recital and Repairs
In preparation for my fourth-year recital next year, I am applying for a grant towards recital expenses, in addition to various repairs that my cello ought to receive prior to the performance. Recital expenses will include piano accompaniment, private lessons, photography, a bow re-hair, and a new set of strings. Cello repairs will include varnish touch-ups, closing open seams, and wood adjustments.
Faculty Advisor: Adam Carter

Samuel Gerardi, Music
Rising 3rd Year Award
Vintage Modernity & Other Works
For this project I will be completing two different pieces: Memory Lane and Vintage Modernity. The first of these pieces I began in Composition I in Fall 2020. It revolves around the use of both pre-recorded and newly recorded samples in order to represent my childhood. I was born in America, but I moved overseas at the age of 5, going to Moldolva and then Bangladesh. I finally returned to America at age 11. This journey is reflected in the piece in a transition from using pre-recorded samples from my life in America (e.g. Shows from PBS, songs my father sang, etc.) The second piece (Vintage Modernity) will focus on vinyl and synthesizers for this project. I have a large collection of vinyl records, both at home and at UVA. These range from popular hits to more obscure records which I’ve dug up at garage sales and physical stores.
Faculty Advisor: Ted Coffey

Samuel Gerardi, Music
Rising 4th Year Award
Distinguished Major Project Supplemental Funding
For this project, I would like to purchase further additions to my home studio and make repairs to exis$ng equipment in order to create the best quality recordings and mixes possible for my upcoming distinguished major project. The distinguished major project will entail completion of a 35-40 minute album.
Faculty Advisor: Matthew Burtner

Susana Kuhn, Drama
Rising 4th Year Award
A Summer Acting Intensive in Dublin Ireland
I am applying for a fourth-year award to supplement a summer study abroad experience at the Gaiety School of Acting in Dublin, Ireland. The program I will be attending is an Acting Intensive through IES Abroad. This program includes 2 weeks in Killarney, Ireland at their West End House followed by four weeks in Dublin at the Gaiety.
Faculty Advisor: Cady Garey

Ryan Lee, Music
Rising 4th Year Award
Enhancing the Viola Sound
I am requesting Miller Arts Award funding for purchasing a new bow. I will still keep my current bow for backup purposes but would like to purchase a higher quality bow to become my default.
Faculty Advisor: Daniel Sender

Andrea Tache Lopez, Music
Rising 4th Year Award
Fourth Year Recital: A Long Time Coming
With funding from the Miller Arts Scholars Arts Award, and under the direction Pete Spaar and other members of the string faculty, I would like to prepare at least 2 to 3 full works for contrabass and accompaniment in contrasting styles to demonstrate the variety of techniques Pete and I have been working on during my time at UVA.
Faculty Advisor: Peter Spaar

Michael McNulty, Music
Rising 3rd Year Award
Compositional Tools for Career as a Film Composer
I am applying for a rising third-year award that will allow me to purchase an external hard drive for my computer, a keyboard MIDI controller, and two professional quality orchestral sound libraries: the “BBC Orchestra Professional” and the “SWAM All In Bundle” libraries.
Faculty Advisor: Michael Rasbury

Michael McNulty, Music
Rising 4th Year Award
Funds Towards Distinguished Major Recital In Music
In this grant I am applying for a new guitar as well as funding for lessons over the summer/fall which will help me perform a professional recital and help make my career in music after school a reality.
Faculty Advisor: John D'earth

Julia Nelson, Drama
Rising 4th Year Award
Acting Intensive in Dublin Ireland
This upcoming summer, I intend to study abroad in Dublin, Ireland to take part in an acting intensive at the Gaiety School of Acting. I applied through UVA to this six-week IES abroad program, and also plan to apply for a three-week intensive program directly through the Gaiety school. I am asking for a $3000 grant in order to attend one of these programs. This grant would greatly help to cover the expenses of the program and the expenses of traveling abroad.
Faculty Advisor: Dave Dalton

Lydia Newman, Drama
Rising 3rd Year Award
Musical Theatre Training Through Summer Intensives
This upcoming summer, I intend to study musical theatre at a 1-3 week intensive either in New York City or Boston. I applied to three programs: Broadway Artists Alliance, Boston Conservatory at Berklee’s Musical Theatre Acting Intensive, and Berklee’s Musical Theater Workshop.
Faculty Advisor: Tovah Close

Lydia Newman, Drama
Rising 4th Year Award
Musical Theatre as Media
With a Fourth-Year Arts Award, I intend to travel to New York City to view some of these historical musicals in person as a part of my thesis research. I would like to see Hamilton and Come From Away. Also in New York City is the New York Public Library Digital Collections, which is one of the most comprehensive archives for theatre arts. I want to conduct research in the Theatre on Film and Tape (TOFT) Archive, which is home to professionally shot video recordings of Broadway musicals.
Faculty Advisor: Tovah Close

Connor Noble, Music
Rising 4th Year Award
The Last Left Behind
Contemporary music production, specifically the type of work that my project entails, is not possible without the use of a digital audio workstation (DAW). A mobile DAW that can handle the tasks necessary to complete this project is absolutely essential. For this reason, I am applying for funding for a powerful laptop with both the mobility and improved computational power to make this project feasible, and a high-fidelity field recorder to perform the field recordings.
Faculty Advisor: Matthew Burtner

Ellis Nolan, Music
Rising 4th Year Award
Purchasing a high-quality Upright Bass
I am applying for this Arts Award so that I can buy a good quality upright for my own use here at UVA, at home, at gigs, and for recording. This purchase will allow me to practice on a more consistent basis, as well as put to use the technique and new skills I’ve been learning these past two years outside of just UVA ensembles.
Faculty Advisor: Pete Spaar

Gabrielle Richardson, Dance
Rising 4th Year Award
Explorations with Dance Film and Nature
For this proposed project, I would like to build upon the skills I acquired in my Dance & the Camera course (Fall 2021) in order to plan, film, and edit a 4-6 minute dance film to further explore the connections I began to make between dance and the environment. During the summer recess, I will enroll in a dance intensive that includes classes on making screendance works.
Faculty Advisor: Kim Brooks-Mata

Olivia Shepard, Studio Art
Rising 3rd Year Award
Pilot Episode for Animated Series
I propose that I will create a short pilot for an animated series. Though the plot is discernible at this point, I have a simple idea for my pilot: a goofy and girl-friendly take on the sci-fi genre, a 16-year-old girl works ardently to become the next Evil Space Empress/Overlord of the galaxy (akin to Darth Vader). She does this all whilst navigating the ordinary perils of high school and personal struggles of her mixed-species (half-alien-half-human) identity.
Faculty Advisor: Federico Cuatlacuatl
Studio Art

Olivia Shepard, Studio Art
Rising 4th Year Award
Regency Romance Tabletop Roleplaying Game
I propose that I will spend the 2022-2023 school year creating and visually designing a romance TTRPG. I am particularly interested in Regency romances (e.g., Jane Austen and Netflix's Bridgerton) and will create my game under this theme. In my game, players will use character sheets of my design to create characters in Regency England's high-society.
Faculty Advisor: Sean Duncan
Media Studies

Max Tankersley, Drama
Rising 3rd Year Award
An Independent Study in Shakespearean Directing and Acting
I hope to spend my summer focused on two different intensives intended to balance my acting and directing development. The Shakespeare & Company virtual summer acting intensive is a weeklong program designed to develop a solid foundation for performing Shakespeare that came highly recommended by an acting and directing mentor of mine. My approach to directing would be deeply strengthened by the opportunity to experience their unique approach to embodying text. The Kennedy Center Directing Intensive would provide me with an opportunity to refine my directing skills by spending two weeks focused on the pre-rehearsal process as well as equitable rehearsal spaces.
Faculty Advisor: David Dalton

Max Tankersley, Drama
Rising 4th Year Award
A Midsummer Night’s Dream Mainstage Production
The production concept I’m proposing is set in the near future in a post- industrial city left impoverished by the impacts of climate change, before shifting to the undeveloped forest setting. I think creating a production driven by the musical aesthetics of Funkadelic and Childish Gambino’s work, putting those previous and current generations in contrast with each other alongside Midsummer’s cast of characters seeking to escape their parents’ world like those in Parable of the Sower will result in a show that gives a new-forward thinking aesthetic approach to this classical text.
Faculty Advisor: Dave Dalton
Class of 2022

Avery Erskine, Drama
Rising 3rd Year Award
Twelfth Night Mainstage Performance
The objective of the project is to have a full weekend of a mainstage production (i.e. not in a lecture hall) of Twelfth Night so that we can reach a larger audience and so that we can retain the technical work that has already been put into this production.
Faculty Advisor: David Dalton

Rainah Gregory, Drama
Rising 3rd Year Award
New York Research Trip
I would like to have the opportunity to travel to New York to conduct research. I am currently in the process of declaring Drama as a major and American Sign Language as a minor. It is a goal of mine to work with both hearing and Deaf actors. During this trip I will conduct research in Deaf artists and their collaborations in theatre. I am also interested in learning more about physical theatre and experimental theatre.
Faculty Advisor: David Dalton

Rainah Gregory, Drama
Rising 4th Year Award
Yale Directing Intensive & Directing a Student Written Play
This coming academic year I would like to apply for the 2021 Yale Summer Directing Intensive and then stage a student written work for the UVA community. After taking Directing I with Professor Dalton in Fall 2019, I found myself yearning to learn more about the craft. After having previous training in acting, directing was a new venture. Though I have choreographed in the past and helped produce showcases (collaborating with sound and light designers), working with actors and staging a scene was a whole new world.
Faculty Advisor: David Dalton

Emma Hitchcock, Studio Art
Rising 4th Year Award
California Summer Study and Funding Fourth Year/DMP
In this project sponsored by the Miller Art Scholars program, I hope to travel to California and use additional funds to help with cost of materials for my fourth year/ painting DMP.
Faculty Advisor: Neal Rock
Studio Art

Maya Kim, Studio Art
Rising 3rd Year Award
Objects as Portraits
In this project, I intend to use color reduction linoleum prints to create a series of still-lifes intended to represent people’s identities through their objects.
Faculty Advisor: Akemi Ohira
Studio Art

Ann-Elizabeth (Libbie) Ryan, Dance
Rising 3rd Year Award
BDF/Gibney Connect 2021 Dance Intensive
Bates Dance Festival/Gibney Connect 2021 is a five-day dance intensive in NYC, aimed to cultivate creative exchange between artists and dancers.
Faculty Advisor: Kathryn Schetlick

Lauren Schmidt, Music
Rising 4th Year Award
Investing in a New Viola
Last semester, I applied for and received a Miller Arts Minigrant to fund the purchase of a new viola bow that would allow me to gain greater versatility in my sound and technique. I would like to expand on this project and these goals by spending the next year looking for and ultimately investing in a new viola.
Faculty Advisor: Ayn Balija

Benjamin Trombetta, Music
Rising 3rd Year Award
Third Year Recital: From Practice to Performance
I intend to perform a third-year recital early in the Spring semester of 2021, featuring both classical and musical theater repertoire.
Faculty Advisor: Pamela Beasley

Benjamin Trombetta, Music
Rising 4th Year Award
Fourth Year Recital: Patience and Persistence
I am asking for funding for continued vocal study with Pamela Beasley during the summer months, in addition to coordinating all aspects of a fourth-year recital in Spring 2022, which includes a space rental, accompanist fees, and other miscellaneous costs.
Faculty Advisor: Pamela Beasley

Elizabeth (Liza) Wimbish, Studio Art
Rising 3rd Year Award
Photographing Still Lifes
The main component that the grant will fund is a digital camera, and specifically, I am interested in purchasing a Sony Alpha a7R III. This camera fits my needs because it is a professional quality, mirrorless camera.
Faculty Advisor: William Wylie
Studio Art

Elizabeth (Liza) Wimbish, Studio Art
Rising 4th Year Award
Creating, Editing, and Displaying a Fourth Year Show
To enrich my fourth year studio art DMP thesis, which is in its embryonic stages, I am interested in utilizing Miller Art’s support to offset the costs associated with my practice and thesis exhibition next year. My thesis will result in a body of photographs, and I plan that they will serves as a study of obscure, bodily forms in the vein of postminimalist and feminist art. At the Miller Arts outcome report, I will provide a presentation that delineates how my research cultivated into a final body of photographs. I am requesting a Rising Fourth Year Award so that I can engage in a more liberated practice next year, one that will allow me to freely explore the parameters of my ideas without being restrained by the cost of materials.
Faculty Advisor: William Wylie
Studio Art

Katherine (Katie) Yared, Dance
Rising 3rd Year Award
Bates Dance Festival/Gibney Connect 2021 Dance Intensive
My proposed project is attending a five-day intensive: the Bates Dance Festival/Gibney Connect 2021 Dance Intensive (two names, but a singular intensive).
Faculty Advisor: Kathryn Schetlick

Zohar (Zoe) Ziff, Dance
Rising 3rd Year Award
American Dance Festival Winter Intensive (Winter 2020/21)
My amended project proposal is to attend the one-week American Dance Festival Winter Intensive in New York City. During the program, I will attend three to four classes a day in a variety of movement styles including contemporary technique, improvisation, and repertory from guest companies.
Faculty Advisor: Kim Brooks-Mata

Karen Zipor, Drama
Rising 3rd Year Award
NYC or LA: A Summer of Industry Experience & Learning
I plan to either hone my craft as an actor or get real-world experience in the film industry. I hope to improve my acting technique at the Stella Adler Studio in NYC, or work at a film company in L.A., assigned through the Emmys Television Academy Foundation.
Faculty Advisor: David Dalton

Karen Zipor, Drama
Rising 4th Year Award
Researching New Ways to Integrate Technology into Theater
I am proposing research in the field of interactive technology in performance. As a double major in Drama and Computer Science, this research will also be applied to my CS Distinguished Major research, where I will design or program a new way to use interactive technology in theater. By the end of the year, I'd like to create a live performance employing the technology I mastered in an upcoming project within the Drama Department, such as the Lab Series. To find where the future of theater technology lies, I first must purchase and experiment with these interactive hardware systems up close.
Faculty Advisor: Mona Kasra
Class of 2021

Jakob Cansler, Drama
Rising 3rd Year Award
A Summer Internship for Directing
It is my intention to intern at a professional theatre in either directing or artistic directing in order to gain first-hand experience in the theatre industry. I plan on applying to numerous summer internships at various theatres across the country, including Hartford Stage Company, San Francisco Playhouse, La Jolla Playhouse, as well as a few others.

Jakob Cansler, Drama
Rising 4th Year Award
The Cocktail Party: Directing a Full-Length Play
This Fall, through Virginia Players (the student wing of the Department of Drama), I will be directing a fully-realized, full-length production of The Cocktail Party. The final product will be a fully-realized, entirely student-created production that will perform for one weekend in the Department of Drama.
Faculty Advisor: David Dalton

Adam Cooper, Music
Rising 3rd Year Award
Experimental Music Project (The Cello and Beyond)
I am asking for funding to buy a cello pickup microphone, Abelton Standard Software, an Abelton Push MIDI Controller, a Focusrite Audio Interface, and an Akai mini-keyboard Controller. Each of these items will be used to expand my capacities as a musician to explore new, experimental music with my cello.
Faculty Advisor: Adam Carter

Adam Cooper, Music
Rising 4th Year Award
Expanding Cello Performance and Electronic Music Production
I have been a classically trained cellist for 15 years, but over the past two years, I have begun to explore different types of music. This experience has been quite shocking, as I have seen the power of music in a much different way. Creating new types of music beyond the classical genre has inspired me to see other ways that music can effectively resonate with people. Thus, I hope for this project to be an opportunity for me to utilize my musical talents to create new music.
Faculty Advisor: Adam Carter/Michael Rasbury

Evie Galvan, Dance
Rising 3rd Year Award
Holding Dance In My Hand
My hope is to receive funding to order a DJI Osmo Pocket Action Camera. This is an extremely small camera that is hand held and can record video and photographs with a very stable and reliable display. This camera will allow me to record movement anywhere and everywhere with such ease, truly letting the world become my stage. The ability to create dance in less restrictive spaces is truly a goal of mine, as I am extremely interested by how the movement we engage in every day, whether that be walking, working out, or even witnessing the movement of nature can actually be understood as dance.

Tina Hashemi, Music
Rising 3rd Year Award
Networking and Musicianship Development in New York City
I propose spending a week in New York during the time that Stephanie Nakasian, my voice instructor at UVA, will be in New York performing and sitting in at many clubs including Birdland. She has agreed to allow me to accompany her and sit-in on her and others’ performances while introducing me to the big names of jazz in New York City.

Tina Hashemi, Music
Rising 4th Year Award
Presenting and Recording a Professional Jazz Recital
I would like to professionally record my recital and release it as a live album. A recording technician and professional videographer would allow me to accomplish this by documenting the concert and then mixing and editing the recordings.
Faculty Advisor: John D'Earth

Margaret Kim, Studio Art
Rising 4th Year Award
Taxidermy of Biologically Possible Alien Organisms
This proposal will span two parts: summer when I will learn taxidermy, and the fall and spring when I will work to incorporate the taxidermy into my art.
Faculty Advisor: William Bennett
Studio Art

Kiana Pilson, Dance
Rising 4th Year Award
Studying with the American Dance Festival and CLI Studios
I am applying for a Miller Arts Rising Fourth Year Award to attend the American Dance Festival’s 2020 winter intensive, as well as various online classes.
Faculty Advisor: Kim Brooks-Mata

Veronica Seguin, Drama
Rising 3rd Year Award
Breaking into the Business: A Summer of Acting and Networking in NYC
My goal for this summer is to supplement my UVa dual-degree with a rigorous performance studies curriculum at the Summer Conservatory. I hope to glean practical field experience by working alongside industry professionals while making connections with peers and employers I undoubtedly will collaborate with in future film and television projects.

Veronica Seguin, Drama
Rising 4th Year Award
A Summer of Acting Study: The Artistic Trifecta
I look forward to expanding my acting training and involvement in short films as I will explain below. I have created the following detailed proposal for my Artistic Trifecta in which I hope to enrich my acting development. Essentially, I am centering my summer project around three training principles: professional feedback, self-inquiry and study with theory books, and immediate training application through involvement in a web series. I want each spoke of the trifecta to enrich the others as I work through each stage in parallel to nurture my acting development this summer. Seeing as this is my last summer still in college, this is the best time for me to tackle such a project.
Faculty Advisor: David Dalton

Maile-Rose Smith, Drama
Rising 4th Year Award
Four Weeks of Film Acting: Summer at the New York Film Academy
With a Rising Fourth Year Arts Award, I would like to attend the New York Film Academy’s four-week Acting for Film workshop, a full-time, immersive training program focusing on Stanislavski’s System, monologues, and scene studies; I have experience in these valuable tools through the lens of theatre, but I have not been trained with them in a film setting.
Faculty Advisor: Doug Grissom

Isabella Ullmann, Drama
Rising 4th Year Award
Creative Online Courses
I am requesting online classes at Gotham’s Writers, “...where writers develop their craft and come together in the spirit of discovery and fellowship,” according to their website. Gotham Writers was recommended to me by a mentor of mine, writer/director Roger Kumble, who developed some of his best work from their programs. I am also requesting a year subscription to Masterclass, an online site that hosts professionals from a variety of fields give virtual classes on their professions.
Faculty Advisor: Doug Grissom

Lyla Ward, Drama
Rising 3rd Year Award
Experiencing Experimental Theater In New York City
This summer I will be interning with Richard Maxwell’s experimental theater company New York City Players in Brooklyn, New York. I will be organizing their archives, creating content for the website, and helping assist in production for a series of summer workshops with their Incoming Theater Division. The Incoming Theater Division is a program that supports immigrant playwrights in putting their work onstage.
Class of 2020

Elissa Bardhi, Studio Art
Rising 4th Year Award
Transcending the Photo Reference
I am applying to the Rising Fourth-Year Award in order to advance my skills in painting from photo reference. This summer, renowned artist, Alyssa Monk, is hosting a workshop concentrated on the creation of oil paintings from photo references at the New York Academy of Art. This workshop focuses on capturing the essence of a photograph in an oil painting, something Alyssa Monk is famous for. This course would give me the opportunity to use my foundational skills and take them the next level.

Kristen Barrett, Drama
Rising 3rd Year Award
Experiencing the Champs-Elysées Film Festival
I believe attending the sixth annual Champs-Elysées Film Festival would better expose me to the art of filmmaking and prime me to create my own screenplay about my experience traveling abroad.

Kristen Barrett, Drama
Rising 4th Year Award
A Summer of Live Theater
For my fourth year award, I will return to my original artistic passion: theater. Stage performance was the primary reason why I applied for the Miller Arts Scholars program. Since my acceptance, I have explored other forms of art, but I always end up returning to the stage.

Kate Bollinger, Creative Writing
Rising 3rd Year Award
An EP and Chapbook of Lyon
I am so thrilled to have been accepted to study abroad this summer through UVa’s Summer in Lyon program, and while my primary reason for going will be to practice French and experience language immersion, I also want to seize this summer as a creative opportunity. During my stay, I plan to write and record an EP of French and English songs inspired by my experiences that I will pair with an artist chapbook which will feature my illustrations and poetry.

Kate Bollinger, Creative Writing
Rising 4th Year Award
Summer 2019 in Two Parts: A Space to Create & On the Road
With summer break fast approaching, I have high hopes of spending my time focusing entirely on music. School, work, and other involvements often have me expending energy that would ideally be put toward writing, recording, and playing shows; I am often daydreaming of time devoted solely to creating. For my Miller Arts rising fourth year grant, I am proposing a summer with less of these obstacles and therefore with more time to write, record, tour, and collaborate with other artists.

Bryce Cuthriell, Dance
Rising 3rd Year Award
Performance Intensive with BalletMet
The main part of the project will be taking place in Columbus, Ohio at the summer intensive program for students at BalletMet. As a prospective dance minor at a liberal arts institution that only offers a minor in dance, I have been searching for opportunities to immerse myself in the professional dance world. After participating in several auditions for dance intensives, I chose BalletMet because of the extensiveness of the program, and also because it works with several dance genres closely resembling modern/contemporary technique in addition to classical ballet technique.

Carolyn Diamond, Dance
Rising 4th Year Award
Dance Training and Movement Research
Through this project, I hope to attend weekly classes this summer, as well as attending 2-3 dance performances in New York City, and participating in a Summer Intensive with Gaga Movement in August. As a rising fourth year, I would like to take this opportunity to explore the dance community outside of UVa and continue to build upon the experiences I’ve had here before going into my final year.

Savannah Edwards, Drama
Rising 4th Year Award
Dramaturgy and Community Engagement at a Professional Theatre
I am currently in the process of applying to full-time (40+ hours per week) internships located in various cities across the United States. Since many theatres do not have a dramaturgy-specific internship available, there are three types of dramaturgy-related internships that I am applying for: Literary Intern, Community Engagement Intern, and Education Intern. Every theatre defines these positions differently, but each position is similar in that it encompasses primarily dramaturgical elements.

Jessica Harris, Drama
Rising 3rd Year Award
Sharing the Power of the Arts to Educate and Transform: Expanding Techniques to Teach Drama
I would like to utilize MAS funds to attend a Broadway Teachers Workshop this summer. Additionally, upon returning to grounds next fall, I would like to offer a workshop for UVA students who may wish to incorporate techniques for including arts education in their training.

Jessica Harris, Drama
Rising 4th Year Award
Developing Artistic Networks, Educational Models, and Creative Best Practices: Connections in New York City
Continuing to expand my horizons as an educator and creator, I would like to use my Fourth Year Award to travel to New York City for an immersive experience. I hope to expand my skills and knowledge in the area of theater, specifically writing, directing, and theater education. Towards this end, I would like to see shows, attend the Educational Theater Association’s 2019 National Conference in September, and network with individuals working at colleges in like The City College of New York who have programs in educational theater and creating/writing. Additionally, I would like to join professional organizations, The Drama Teacher Resource Company and the Educational Theater Association, that would enable me to have access to resources and connect with others doing similar work.

Payton Moledor, Drama
Rising 3rd Year Award
London, UK Semester Abroad: The Foundations of Classical Acting
For this reason, I am applying to fund a semester of studying classical acting abroad at one of London’s most prestigious acting schools, either the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art or the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. I have already been accepted to LAMDA’s semester program, and am still awaiting response from RADA following my audition in early March.

Ava Reynolds, Studio Art
Rising 4th Year Award
Visual Explorations of Conservation
I plan to do a comprehensive project comparing the concept of conservation in the United States and Tanzania. I would like to visually express several topics, such as how climate change impacts conservation, how conservation impacts local communities, and how people impact conserved spaces. After exploring these topics throughout my semester in Tanzania and over my summer in Grand Teton National Park I plan to compile these visual comparisons upon returning to UVa during Fall 2019 and Spring 2020.

Heidi Waldenmaier, Dance
Rising 4th Year Award
A Summer at the American Dance Festival
From June 13th to July 21st, I will take three classes per day, four days per week. On top of regularly scheduled classes, there are dozens of other classes, workshops, and performances to attend on the other three days of the week. I’ll be dancing constantly, exposing myself to different styles and cultural influences while making connections from every corner of the dance world.

Anna Warner, Studio Art
Rising 4th Year Award
Italian Immersion: Study-Abroad, Photography, and Farming
For the rising 4th-year grant, I am proposing creating another book following my experiences in Italy, with photographs, journal entries, and sketches, etc. For my outcome presentation in April 2020, I will have a handmade book to display as well as prints to install.

Anna Warner, Studio Art
Rising 3rd Year Award
Where We Are
Ultimately, my project with this grant would be a body of color film photos exploring the relationships that human society has with the natural world (the physical real world.)

Kia Wassenaar, Studio Art
Rising 3rd Year Award
Creatures of Solitude
My proposed project would be a series of three short films (each 2-5 minutes in length) which would expand upon this series of drawings. Using paint, costumes, and a variety of props, each film would seek to transform a human body into an other worldly, fantasy creature whose external form would embody the mental state of the character themselves, and would explore different aspects of spending time alone.

Kia Wassenaar, Studio Art
Rising 4th Year Award
Documentation and Distortion Through Film
Using a mix of film and digital cameras, I would like to conduct a series of environment-oriented film studies. This would involve travel to a variety of both rural and urban places. I am particularly interested in the ways that nature and technology come together, so would seek out spaces in which industrial and natural forces meet head on. The final products of this project would be two or three observational films, between six and ten minutes each.

Isabella Whitfield, Studio Art
Rising 4th Year Award
Paper Sculptures
I am proposing to attend the workshop Fiber to Form: Sculpting with Paper at Anderson Ranch. During this week-long workshop, I will learn how to create paper sculptures using casting and folding techniques from Kozo fiber. I am especially interested in the casting technique, as I have used this method in my sculpture classes to create clay and plaster molds. Here, I will able to apply my previous mold-making experience within a new context.

Emily Williams, Music
Rising 4th Year Award
Enhancing Musical Teaching Skills and Violin Sound Quality and Technique
This summer, I plan on going to the Carriage House Violins of Johnson String Instruments store in Newton Upper Falls, Massachusetts, which is right outside of Boston. I have been to them to get violin accessories in the past and their bows have been recommended to me as high quality. There, I will test out a few bows that I have found on their website that are in my price range by seeing how compatible they sound with my instrument. After getting a new bow, I will continue to work on the repertoire I have selected for my recital and prepare for the recital which I anticipate happening at the end of February or early March of 2020.
Class of 2019

Maeve Bradley, Studio Art
Rising 4th Year Award
Exchanging Photographs and Ideas
I am proposing a photographic portrait series that would explore cultural identity and exchange. As a double major in Studio Art and American Studies, I’ve enjoyed making connections between the two, using research and field-study to inform my photography and vice versa.

Claire Burke, Studio Art
Rising 4th Year Award
Iconic Images of America’s National Parks: Printing History
I propose to interview and print with the creators of the iconic Ranger Doug’s Enterprises National Park posters. As a studio art and environmental science double major, I am deeply invested in exploring the interface between the two fields.

Kaiming Cheng, Music
Rising 4th Year Award
Music Composing in Virtual Reality
I want to attend different music technology workshops hosted by the Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA) at Stanford University. I would am seeking funding to cover my project, tuition expense and traveling cost.

Alice Clair, Music
Rising 4th Year Award
Project “Loop:” A Full-Length Album
I propose a six-month project I have long dreamed of: a full-length album of my original music, entitled “Loop.” The album will include twelve original songs ranging in time from 2013 to 2018, thoroughly exhibiting the artistic work of my professional career so far.

Jack Gereski, Drama
Rising 4th Year Award
A Summer Acting in NYC
I will attend Yale's Summer Conservator for Actors, and will use my Rising Fourth-Year Award to help with tuition and housing costs in New Haven, CT.

Corrinne James, Studio Art
Rising 3rd Year Award
Area will be a multimedia project which will engage with audio and visual elements in order to capture emotions without using language as a tool. It will rely on audiovisual components to reproduce reflective human consciousness. Area will consist of five different films with five different self-produced scores. All of the audio produced will be created with an analogue synthesizer and all of the visuals will be shot on 16mm film.

Corrinne James, Studio Art
Rising 4th Year Award
I am proposing to create a film called “Juniper” with a rising Fourth-Year Award. “Juniper” will use visual and audio components, as well as dialogue, to create an exploration into a nonsensical word.

Chuanyuan Liu, Music
Rising 4th Year Award
AIMS in Graz: A Full Immersion of Operatic Training
I will apply to an immersive and competitive opera program presented by the American Institute of Musical Studies (AIMS) in Graz, Austria.

Michelle Miles, Studio Art
Rising 3rd Year Award
Enabling the Universe
I see the outcome of this project as a collections of short films that explore the organic movement and behavior of materials such as inks, pigments, powders, oils, and soaps – with room for the discovery and use of new materials throughout the process. These are examples of some of the required materials, along with glassware such as plates and petri dishes. The specific equipment I will need includes a macro lens, a tripod, underwater film equipment, and studio lights.

Michelle Miles, Studio Art
Rising 4th Year Award
Archeticture Abroad
I propose participation in the Metropolitan Studies and Architecture program in Berlin, Germany. The program takes place over the summer of 2018, from June 5th–July 28th. During the program, I intend to enroll in courses in Architecture, Art History, and Urban and Cultural Studies. I also intend to continue shooting photography and film during my time in Berlin, in addition to visiting the many contemporary art museums in and around Berlin.

Anna Morgan, Studio Art
Rising 3rd Year Award
Explorations in Printmaking
The objectives of my project are to participate in various workshops and obtain studio space at a printmaking studio over the summer, achieve technical fluency within printmaking, and to produce a body of work based on these and past experiences.

Anna Morgan, Studio Art
Rising 4th Year Award
Translations in Printmaking
My proposal begins with attending the workshop, Exploring the Multiple and Transforming Images through Silkscreen, at the Anderson Ranch Arts Center in Aspen, Colorado. I have already received a scholarship from Alice Bailey, who has connections with Anderson Ranch, to cover tuition and been accepted into the workshop.

Emily Schmid, Drama
Rising 3rd Year Award
Social Justice Theatre
I hope to accomplish these goals through attending a Joker Training Workshop through Theater of the Oppressed NYC. I then intend to conduct more research on the methodology, keeping in mind the goal to present a mini workshop at UVA in order to explore the connection between the social issues that the university faces and theater. I hope to apply the knowledge acquired through attending this workshop and conducting research into Theater of the Oppressed by eventually creating a devised piece at UVA which responds to the social and political issues that the university faces.

Emily Schmid, Drama
Rising 4th Year Award
The Arts as Language
To facilitate an exploration of The Arts as Language, I am seeking approximately funding to assist in my endeavor to work in the administrative department of an arts non-profit, either in Santiago, Chile or Barcelona, Spain.

Maelisa Singer, Drama
Rising 4th Year Award
Fall 2018 Study Abroad at Trinity College Dublin
I wanted to immerse myself entirely in a different culture and see where it led me on an academic and creative level. I ultimately decided to apply to Trinity College Dublin in order to do this, and I am very happy to say that I will be studying there during the fall 2018 academic semester.

Shannon Spence, Studio Art
Rising 4th Year Award
Anderson Ranch Arts Center: Study in Serigraphy & Relief
This proposal will detail the additional costs of travel, housing, and materials for this study. This study will culminate in multiple original works, proof of study and a review of learned techniques through a final presentation in April.
Class of 2018

Luc Cianfarani, Music
Rising 3rd Year Award
Attending the 2016 Washington International Piano Festival
Classical music is an industry. In order to progress in this competitive industry I need to start making connections and entering competitions that will allow me to advance my career. I believe that receiving a $1500 arts award to attend the Washington International Piano Festival will not only allow me to grow as a musician, but also enable me to meet world renowned pianists and compete against my peers from all over the world.

Luc Cianfarani, Music
Rising 4th Year Award
Summer Composition Internship
While I still have aspirations of becoming a great pianist, I now have aspirations of becoming a composer. This desire stemmed from a classical improvisation class I took while studying abroad. In this class, I learned that I had a compositional voice and that I enjoyed creating new music. This summer I hope to grow and develop my compositional abilities. In order to do this, I have secured an internship with composer and orchestrator Chad Cannon in Pasadena, California.

Alexandra D'Elia, Dance
Rising 3rd Year Award
A Dança Portuguesa
With assistance from the Miller Arts Scholars Third Year Arts Award, I will spend the spring semester of 2017 studying abroad in Lisbon at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL), through a language and culture program with CIEE, and I will conduct research on the different dance styles taught and practiced in Portuguese culture. I will take dance classes at a studio called STEPS: escola de dança e artes do espectáculo. STEPS offers dance classes in many different dance styles: Kizomba, Semba, Funaná, Eastern and Indian dance, Tango, Tap Dance, Forró, Samba, Salsa and Cuban Music. What interests me about this diverse group of classes is that each dance style is unique to a specific Portuguese territory.

Wesley Diener, Music
Rising 3rd Year Award
FAVA: Immersion in French Opera, Art Song, and Language
I am applying for an Arts Award to travel to Perigeuex, France and participate in the Franco-American Vocal Academy program, where I will sing a full opera role and work intensely on French music and language. The Franco American Vocal Academy (FAVA) centers its mission on performance opportunities for young singers. While there are many summer opera programs that offer similar opportunities for technical training, FAVA distinguishes itself with a valuable combination of technical achievement, immersive language instruction, and most importantly, significant performance opportunities.

Wesley Diener, Music
Rising 4th Year Award
Bel Canto in Tuscany: Learning the Italian Art of Vocal Technique and Expression
I am applying for a Miller Art Scholars Rising Fourth-Year Award to support my participation in Bel Canto in Tuscany, an intensive and immersive opera training program in Italy. This program, focused on advanced study in Italian vocal traditions, features a month of comprehensive vocal, musical, dramatic, and linguistic study.

Vivien Fergusson, Dance
Rising 3rd Year Award
Bates Dance Festival
This year, the Bates Dance Festival will be offering classes from a variety of dance disciplines including modern, ballet, jazz, afro-modern, Spiraldynamik, Pilates, yoga, and contact improvisation. There will also be more academically based courses on choreography, movement and writing, the business of dance, film and media, and natural body systems. Classes will be taught by extremely gifted faculty that are powerful forces in their respective corners of the dance community, and they will be accompanied by live musical artists.

Kirsten Hemrich, Studio Art
Rising 4th Year Award
Ecstatic Art and Travel
As an undergraduate student about to undergo my final summer before graduation, I fully intend to devote myself to artmaking and travel. I am proposing a two part project which will take course over four months. The first part will be an intensive month of travel abroad. During this month, I intend to make a book of visual poetry and drawings which will document my experience and also explore the ecstasy that is inherent to travel--ecstasy being derived from word, ‘ekstasis,’ meaning: “movement of the soul outside the body.” I will visually and poetically explore the transient, exciting, almost spiritual experience of ecstasy.

Annalee Jackson, Studio Art
Rising 4th Year Award
Documenting the Creative and Immersive Process: Reflecting on Cultural Barriers through Arts
My goal is to combine both art and education my two areas of academic interest in a project, which will document my thinking and inform my understanding of a different culture. Throughout this reflective process I will draw on documentation from my travel including: textural rubbings, both personal and academic journaling, sketching, and photography. In the next year, I propose to explore place, barriers, and reflection/translation as themes in my art utilizing exhaustive documentation and reflection from my time abroad in Italy.

Steven Johnson, Drama
Rising 4th Year Award
Theatre Through The Looking Glass
I am requesting funding for photography equipment that will allow me to improve upon my portfolio, and study how the camera’s focal length and framing chosen for a shot shapes the narrative of the image.

Taylor Lamb, Drama
Rising 4th Year Award
A Summer at Stella Adler Studio of Acting (New York City)
I have been fortunate enough to be accepted to Stella Adler Studio of Acting’s ten-week conservatory. My primary goal in attending this program is to further develop my skills as an actress, preparing me for a career for the stage, film, and television.

Emma Lewis, Studio Art
Rising 3rd Year Award
Study of Tangible Dialogue
Communicating meaning through an artistic work is difficult for all artists. How can one translate a personal idea that seems innate, obvious, and pure to another? As an artist that relies heavily upon memory for works, I often think about how I can speak clearly and simply in my art despite personal symbolic connections I wish to incorporate in the piece. Exemplifying this idea, I often connect aphasia and artist purpose. Aphasia, a neurological disorder caused by damage to the language center of the brain, prevents affected individuals from finding and saying the accurate words to express a clear idea. I have the intent, however, the idea in its tangible form does not have the right language.

Emma Lewis, Studio Art
Rising 4th Year Award
Instantaneous forms and memory
I propose to attend the workshop Print Composite: Tradition & Innovation at Anderson Ranch in Aspen, Colorado from August 14th through August 18th 2017. I will then use the skills I developed in the workshop towards a creative project in printmaking utilizing a combination of digital and traditional printing methods. I have already been chosen by UVA Arts faculty to receive a University of Virginia scholarship covering tuition for the workshop Print Composite: Tradition & Innovation at Anderson Ranch and have been accepted into the workshop.

Nicholas Milkovich, Studio Art
Rising 4th Year Award
Study Abroad in Italy
For my rising Fourth Year artist grant, I propose participation in the UVA in Italy: Photography and Contemporary Art History study abroad program. This is a program I have wanted to participate in since I first was accepted into UVa as a First Year Student. It has always been my dream to study in Italy, but my course scheduling next permitted me to take a full semester away from Charlottesville. This summer program is a chance for me to achieve my goals and dream while maintaining my studies and becoming a better Studio Artist.

Josephine Miller, Music
Rising 3rd Year Award
Speech Pathology In Practice: Vocal Health and Vocal Myths in Todays Singers
This summer of 2016, I would like to put into use my two majors: Speech Language Pathology and Music (vocal performance). I plan on shadowing a Speech Pathologist in Yorktown, Virginia, Ann Cyptar, who focuses mostly on patients with vocal health issues (singers, actors, etc.) and occasionally with patients suffering from head and neck cancer. To further my studies, I would also try to shadow a few other speech pathologists who work primarily with patients suffering from more common speech disorders and stroke patients. In an effort to truly understand the usefulness and importance of Speech Pathology in practice as a singer, I will also be attending two vocal workshops/performance opportunities. The first would be the Classical Singers Workshop at Peabody University from July 6-10 in Baltimore, Maryland. The second would be participating in the Bethesda Summer Music Festival in Bethesda, Maryland from June 20 to July 3.

Josephine Miller, Music
Rising 4th Year Award
A Musical Journey: Nationally & Internationally
This summer of 2017, I would like to pursue my performance- based career goals and continue developing both my skills as an individual and as part of an ensemble (a key part of being a performer). I hope to work with past and new teachers in an attempt to better understand and exercise my voice, all the meanwhile gaining valuable insight from the professionals at the programs.

Julian Sanchez, Drama
Rising 3rd Year Award
Drama Abroad: A Personal Exploration of British Classical Acting Pedagogy
I am proposing to use the Arts Award money to help fund my studies at one of two of Britain’s most esteemed acting institutions: the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA), or the London Academy of Musical and Dramatic Art (LAMDA). I leave the possibilities open between the two because I’m not sure which one I will get into, but I assure you they are both very worthy programs in their own right.

Braelyn Schenk, Dance
Rising 3rd Year Award
Apples and Oranges
I am interested in finding bridges between music and dance, exploring their capability to interpret physical and cultural landscapes, and through that, codifying a methodology that allows dancers and musicians to enter into a deeper understanding of their relationship to each other, to place, to physical spaces, and to the past.

Braelyn Schenk, Dance
Rising 4th Year Award
A Musical Journey: Nationally & Internationally
My proposed project centers on a high intensity, hands-on involvement with Cleveland, OH nonprofit, Fresh Camp. Fresh Camp and the Refresh Collective exists to enliven Cleveland through “creative arts, community engagement and youth development.” The camp uses project-based hip-hop-in-action programs to motivate, educate, and activate students in personal and community development. Students learn skills in digital music composition, lyric writing, recording arts, and public performance. The creative, song writing process allows students to express experiences, perspectives, problems and solutions. Founder Dee Jay Doc and his team listen carefully to what students are saying and help give them opportunities to create “fresh action” such as planting new neighborhood gardens, tasting fresh food, silk screening t-shirts, and writing songs that promote the neighborhood farmer's market. As an intern, I will have the privilege of working, learning and living in and through these efforts.

Micah Watson, Drama
Rising 3rd Year Award
Black Entertainment Television Networks Internship
I plan to intern with Black Entertainment Television Networks. As a Programming Intern, I will have the opportunity to create original programming, act as an on-set production assistant and study with the Writing Team. I will be able to be a part of the creative process of the television industry from beginning to end. Specifically, I will be under the tutelage of Senior Vice President, Connie Orlando in New York, New York. It is important that I learn the systems of the television and film industry so that, in the future, I will know the best ways to share my art.

Micah Watson, Drama
Rising 4th Year Award
Film Making Project
Art is an articulation of the soul. It is a way to reinterpret the things that we have words to describe and to translate the things that words cannot explain. Often, creation is cathartic—it is cleansing, nourishing, and freeing for the body, mind and spirit. For many people, including myself art is a method of practicing self-care. I think that it is important to practice art in this way; art for the sake of the artist is a completely valid and sometimes necessary practice. However, as an African-American artist, I do not not have the luxury of creating selfishly. As a participant in the ongoing Liberation Struggle, as a result of the political condition of Blackness assigned to me at birth, I must use the tools that I have been gifted with to work towards Freedom. It is my duty.

Yuchen Xie, Studio Art
Rising 3rd Year Award
A Study of Chinese Seal Carving
During the summer of 2016, from early July to late August, I plan to officially enroll in the course with the artist every week and meanwhile I’ll spend a considerable amount of time exploring the art of seal carving by myself. I’ll go to exhibitions with my teacher and connect to other seal carving artists. I’ll read the history of this art form to study the styles of renowned artists and examine their techniques to develop my style. I will write up an analysis based on my study and I will have ten carved seals of different styles. I’ll also explore different materials. For instance, I’ll try harder stones instead of the relatively soft bloodstone.

Yuchen Xie, Studio Art
Rising 4th Year Award
The Interpretation of Dream
Inspired by the visual qualities of dreams, this project is my further exploration of the surrealist cinema. I challenged myself with non-traditional narrative structure and post-production treatment. The film depicts a setting that exists on the blurry boundary of dream and reality. The nameless characters lead the viewers into an absurd story that conveys confusion, loss, desire, absence, sentiments, and many other subtle emotions. I see this project as an experiment with otherness, both in terms of cinematographic quality and narrative aspect.
Class of 2017

Elena Anderson, Drama
Rising 3rd Year Award
A Summer at Michael Howard Studios (New York City)
I chose to come to the University of Virginia, and I have thrived in the liberal arts setting, pursuing a history major and Spanish minor in addition to my degree in Drama. However, as I approach my third year as an undergraduate in Drama, I realize there are certain limitations of time and opportunity that arise from not pursuing a specialized arts education. In the last year, I have come to the important conclusion that my skills as an actor are in need of more specialized training. Therefore, I am proposing a project involving six weeks of intensive study at the prestigious Michael Howard Studios in New York City.

Elena Anderson, Drama
Rising 4th Year Award
One-Week Intensive at the New York Film Academy
I am proposing a project that will allow me to attend a one-week intensive film-acting workshop at the New York Film Academy. The NYFA is recognized as one of the top film schools in the country and offers a variety of workshops, short courses and conservatory programs. The one-week acting for film workshop is an introductory course on the basics of acting on-camera, focusing on filmed scene study and audition technique classes and exposing students to the technical realities of working on a film set.

Alexandra Chriscoe, Studio Art
Rising 4th Year Award
Tutkimus: The Art and Culture of Helsinki, St. Petersburg and Jyväskylä through the lens of collaborative Print Media
For our joint Fourth Year Art Award, we will travel to Finland and Russia alongside our Printmaking professor, Dean Dass. We will travel from October 1st through October 11th to the Balkans to study the origins of printmaking as an art form. This exploration of art and culture will involve participation in the Graphica Creativa, the oldest international printmaking exhibition in the Nordic countries, in Jyväskylä, a university city 200 km north of Helsinki. Subsequently, we will take a bookmaking course with the graduate students at Helsinki’s Academy of Fine Arts.

Anne Codd, Studio Art
Rising 3rd Year Award
Second-Hand Summer: A Narrative of Growth
An artist’s book is the ideal approach to encapsulate the idiosyncrasies of a unique, yet shared summer experience. Within a self-contained entity, I will employ numerous mediums to depict the quintessential images and memories of my consecutive summers in concrete, representational forms alongside more abstract creations. Further, a three-chapter organization of the book will facilitate exploration into the experience of each generation. I plan to employ drawing, water-based painting, printmaking, and papermaking techniques. I envision the pages of the artist’s book being filled with small, detail oriented watercolors, linoleum, and woodcut depictions of the Chesapeake Bay.

Anne Codd, Studio Art
Rising 4th Year Award
Tutkimus: The Art and Culture of Helsinki, St. Petersburg and Jyväskylä through the lens of collaborative Print Media
For our joint Fourth Year Art Award, we will travel to Finland and Russia alongside our Printmaking professor, Dean Dass. We will travel from October 1st through October 11th to the Balkans to study the origins of printmaking as an art form. This exploration of art and culture will involve participation in the Graphica Creativa, the oldest international printmaking exhibition in the Nordic countries, in Jyväskylä, a university city 200 km north of Helsinki. Subsequently, we will take a bookmaking course with the graduate students at Helsinki’s Academy of Fine Arts.

Elyssa Fonicello, Dance
Rising 3rd Year Award
Developing Leaders through Dance
With funds from an Arts Award, I would like to attend the Now & Next Dance Mentoring Workshop for college students from August 17-21. Now Next Dance is a non-profit based in Washington, DC that endeavors to teach creativity and leadership through contemporary dance. Their week-long summer program for college dancers provides many unique opportunities to develop skills as a performer, choreographer, and dance leader/educator. Each day of the program I will participate in a company-style class to strengthen technique and learn new repertory, followed by mentoring lunches and activities with middle school-aged dance students. I will then teach a modern dance class based on the Now Next Dance style to the middle school dance students. In addition, I will have the opportunity to network with dance professionals and to collaborate with my peers in the creation of choreographic works that will be presented at the culmination of the week.

Elyssa Fonicello, Dance
Rising 4th Year Award
Catalyzing Policy Change through Movement
Having researched the connections between leadership and dance, I would now like to shift my focus to exploring the role of movement in the policy process. Dance can contribute to both issue advocacy and policy implementation by directly involving community members in the process of bringing about social change. For this grant project, I would like to explore a trajectory that has already been set forward by several dance makers, community leaders, and social activists dating back to the 1930’s and 40’s in the US. I plan to conduct in-depth research on dance artists and companies who are using movement to advocate for social change. Specifically, I am interested in the work of Anna Halprin, Liz Lerman, Dance Exchange, Axis Dance, Paloma McGregor, and Jennifer Monson. With funding from a Miller Arts Scholar Award, I will develop an advocacy campaign for a social policy issue specific to the Charlottesville and UVa community. The year-long advocacy campaign will include two movement workshops with members of the community that will serve as fodder for the creation of a choreographic work as part of the dance program’s spring concert.

Michael Giovinco, Drama
Rising 3rd Year Award
Interactive Technology, Lighting, Perception, and the Actor
Interactive technology has begun a sweeping sensation among different art forms. It has, in many ways, created a crossroads between the disciplines. Theatrical groups like Enra, a Japanese dance troupe, have begun using advanced video tracking software and projectors to have the dancers control the environment around them with their movement. Many groups use varying forms of motion tracking to nail down lighting cues, to control projected images, to warp sound effects, and more. This list is growing every day.

Michael Giovinco, Drama
Rising 4th Year Award
The Circus and Devised Performance
My proposed project is to craft and perform a devised, movement-based circus show with the advice of Associate Professor Marianne Kubik after taking classes this summer at the Philadelphia School of Circus Arts. I specifically trust Professor Kubik’s guidance because of her extensive knowledge in movement direction and devised performance. Over the course of the next school year, I will rehearse and stage this show with the help of the Moonlight Circus Group in Charlottesville. Funds from this grant would go towards supporting classes, purchasing equipment for practice and performance, and towards supplies for making costume and set pieces.

Kingston Liu, Dance
Rising 3rd Year Award
Training and Research on Funk-style Dance
In this project, I will focus on honing my Hip Hop dance techniques and interview professional Hip Hop dancers in Beijing, China. While I have been deeply involved in the Urban Dance crews and community in my time at the University of Virginia, I haven’t had much exposure to the Hip Hop dance scene due to diminishing popularity of Hip Hop dance in America. However, the Hip Hop presence in Beijing is still strong, and the fact that various world-renown Hip Hop dancers live in Beijing makes it an ideal place for me to hone my skills and accumulate knowledge about Hip Hop.

Aspen Miller, Drama
Rising 4th Year Award
10,000 Leagues Under the Narrative Sea
I aim to explore and experiment with the effects that varying narrative media has on storytelling. My areas of inquiry are: Can media interact to change or enhance a narrative? Can different media influence how individuals receive and internalize a story differently? Or do they receive it based off of their individual life experiences? Do media factors influence the audience’s response to a narrative? To explore these issues, I will tell the story “Big Wave and Little Wave” in four different ways using audio design, visual design, movement through dance, and finally as a written piece. I will survey to evaluate the audience’s experience of each mediated version of this story, and make a film about the project built around the audience responses of medium effectiveness.

Susan Xie, Studio Art
Rising 3rd Year Award
Learning Limits
In the next year, I propose to learn the tradition of photography, from its historical inception to its modern day value. My primary goal is to document my learning process. I will gather information through formally practicing the art and experimentally researching its uses. I plan to study pinhole photography in Italy this summer, take an additional course on film photography in the fall, and conduct independent research on digital photography next spring. However, learning a new art form is a sweeping statement and requires limits such as in time, space, and content. Although I trade-off perspective by limiting my scope, I view these limits as necessary secondary goals that filter and make sense of information. Without these filters, I may learn nothing meaningful at all from the abundant pool of information I foresee accumulating. In a sense, my learning process mimics the camera. I will deliberately set specific limits, like exposure time and aperture, and choose the focus through certain lenses to record information.

Susan Xie, Studio Art
Rising 4th Year Award
Two Weeks to Create Colorado Landscapes
In my fourth year as a Miller Arts Scholar, I hope to further my studies in photography through two workshops in landscape photography and bookmaking at Anderson Ranch in Aspen, Colorado from Aug 8th to Aug 19th 2016. A $4,240 Fourth Year Award would allow me to build on my Third Year Award, which introduced me to the art of photography.
Class of 2016

Heidi Klockenbrink, Drama
Rising 4th Year Award
Spreading across 1,700 acres of land, housing over 16,000 students, and having almost 200 years of history and traditions, the University of Virginia has more to offer than almost any one person can explore. With every person that I meet at UVA, I learn something new about this amazing university. Everyone here has discovered their own “UVA secret,” such as a favorite spot, a tasty local meal, an inspiring professor, or a shortcut to get to their next class. Now that I have taken a year’s worth of cinematography and digital media classes, I have the experience and knowledge to reveal these hidden gems on our campus in a documentary-style film that I plan to title: “UnderGROUNDS.” It will consist of interviews with students, professors, and local residents of Charlottesville who have unique secrets to share about UVA, along with footage of these special discoveries.

Cameron Mankin, Studio Art
Rising 3rd Year Award
"Yūgen" Artist's Book
What I propose as my project for the College Arts Scholars Arts Award is essentially a research project into the concept of yūgen executed in the media of printmaking and bookmaking. The ultimate product of this process would be a high quality artist's book, which might theoretically be composed of twenty copper etchings and dozens of polyester "pronto" plate lithographs (two types of prints that I feel I have an affinity for) bound into a book printed on extremely fine paper.

Cameron Mankin, Studio Art
Rising 4th Year Award
It's Dangerous to Go Alone! Take This!
The title of this proposed project comes from the 1986 videogame The Legend of Zelda for the Nintendo Entertainment System. It is spoken by an unknown by an unnamed old man who gives the player their first wooden sword. Prompted by this phrase, by Norman Mailer, by Joseph Beuys, and by Captain America, I propose to make a series of wooden shields. Onto these shields I will collage paintings and prints. I will then carry whatever shield I am currently working on with me throughout my daily routine.

Natalie May, Music
Rising 4th Year Award
American Popular Music as an Informal Cultural Diplomat
As an Arts Administration and Music double major with a particular interest in the intersection of arts and politics, I intend to spend the summer abroad in Aix-en-Provence, France to research the phenomenon of informal cultural diplomacy through the lens of American popular music as it functions in French society.

Brigid McDonald, Music
Rising 3rd Year Award
Attending the 2014 National Flute Association Convention
I would like to use my Arts Scholars grant money to attend the National Flute Association's (NFA) Annual Convention. This is by far the most important event of the year for the flute-playing community; every year, over 4,000 flautists from around the world come together for four days to teach, learn, collaborate, and inspire. Ever since middle school, my private teachers have recommended that I attend the convention, but it's held in a different city every year (Chicago this year), and it has always been too expensive for me to make the trip. I'm confident that going to the convention will be extremely rewarding and beneficial for my musical skills and flute-playing abilities.

Brigid McDonald, Music
Rising 4th Year Award
Jazz Flute Study
For my Arts Scholars Award this past year, I attended the National Flute Convention in Chicago and chose some pieces I could work on that would highlight some things I learned at the convention. There were several workshops on jazz and improvisation, which I tried to incorporate into my project this year, but I found it very difficult. There are many elements of flute playing that are completely different between the jazz and classical styles, and classically- trained flute players have to essentially neglect everything they know about vibrato, tone, and reading music and start from scratch. My flute teacher knows a bit about jazz, but we both thought that I would make more progress learning from a jazz specialist.

Rachel Mink, Music
Rising 3rd Year Award
A Study in German and German Lieder
My proposed project is an immersive study in German and German lieder to be completed through a study abroad in the fall semester of 2014. In the fall of 2014, I am studying in Vienna, Austria with the IES Abroad Music Program. Home to an astounding number of composers (from Haydn to Mozart to Beethoven and Brahms), Vienna maintains its heritage with the richness of musical culture to this day.

Rachel Mink, Music
Rising 4th Year Award
A Study of American Opera and Pedagogy
My proposed project is an immersive study of voice and opera, right here in Charlottesville. This summer, I am remaining local, after having studied abroad twice in my career as student (first to Florence, then to Vienna, both times to study opera). While I have gained an immense knowledge of opera and vocal technique through these experiences, in the summer between my third and fourth year at the University, I would like to take a chance to study the American opera tradition as well as continue my own training. In order to do so, I will be working in two different capacities. First, I will be working with my voice teacher, Professor Pam Beasley and my accompanist, Karen Dalton. Second, I will be interning with Ash Lawn Opera.

George Schwartz, Music
Rising 3rd Year Award
Solo Piano Performance (Across the Ages)
My proposal for my 3rd year arts scholar application is a formal solo piano performance (apprx. Time 1 hour) in Old Cabell Hall. This would be similar to a final DMP performance done by music majors, but since I am a double major in physics and chemistry, I can't do this performance through conventional means. I am planning for the performance to be in December of 2014, or February 2015; depending on availability of the hall.

George Schwartz, Music
Rising 4th Year Award
Solo Piano Performance (Iberian Themed)
For my arts scholar proposal of 2015, I am requesting funds for a similar project to what I did for my arts scholar grant of 2014, setting up my own solo piano performance in Old Cabell Hall. This upcoming year, I want to set a performance more along the lines of a professional solo performance, so the program will be significantly larger, and encompassing works from a wider range of musical eras. These works will reflect the music I have played over my many years as a pianist, from early high school and then throughout college. The theme of the concert will be focused around an Iberian theme, since pieces I have played in the past (especially the Rhapsodie and 2nd movement of the Estampes) has Spanish qualities to them.

Margaret Via, Studio Art
Rising 3rd Year Award
Nest will be a project with two simultaneous bodies of work. I plan to create a series of photographs while also making an Artist's Book. The Artist's Book will primarily consist of printmaking processes and mixed media, while the photographs will stand apart from the physical book. Together both book and photographs should be coherent thematically.

Margaret Via, Studio Art
Rising 4th Year Award
Print and the relational aesthetic
I want to explore this theme of environmental art, and the relational aesthetic in as many ways as I can. As I have a background in analog photography, I wish to still use this medium integrally as a way to inform my printing and the topics at hand. The format of the book has been always been fascinating to me, and I hope to examine further what an Artist’s Book is and is not. Therefore, I intend to produce prints, books (or some form of the book, e.g. zine), and photographs during this time of research.
Class of 2015

Olivia Bona, Music
Rising 4th Year Award
The Modern Classics
I propose to continue my 3rd year Arts Award grant project to compose an oboe and piano sonata for my 4th year DMP recital. I want to continue this project because I believe one semester of work is not enough to complete the sonata to my liking or to fulfilling my original vision. My methodology has not changed since the first proposal. I will continue to make my sonata more virtuosic and soloistic by meeting with my mentor and several UVA composition experts. I hope to learn about neoclassical composition and how to create a successful piece of art.

Olivia Bona, Music
Rising 3rd Year Award
Neoclassical Composition for DMP Recital
I will make an original composition for piano and oboe. I will compose this piece in hopes to perform it in my Distinguished Major Program recital. My personal objective for this project is to learn about compositional techniques while also producing a composition I will perform in front of an audience. I hope to write a one-movement oboe sonata in the neoclassical style.

Mary Davis, Drama
Rising 3rd Year Award
“The Trilogy of Feminine Mystique” Film Project
This semester, the executive members of the Filmmakers Society have decided to make a collaborative horror film in three acts, inspired by Central Virginian folklore and ghost stories. It will be in the vain of an exquisite corpse style project— à la Paris, Je T’aime or New York, I Love You.

Mary Davis, Drama
Rising 4th Year Award
An Exploration of Theatre and Film in Washington DC
This summer and throughout my fourth year I would like to further explore my crafts in theatre and film, primarily acting and cinematography. I am applying for funding in order to accomplish two things this summer while living in the Washington, D.C. area: I hope to take two 8-week acting classes at the Studio Theatre and make several short 16mm films.

Elena Dimitri, Dance
Rising 3rd Year Award
Brasil; Dança e Relaçoes
With assistance from the Arts Award, this summer I will travel to Brazil to collect research on Brazilian dance culture to view its role as both an art and social form. I want to see if dance has any impact on race relations or individuals’ interactions with diversity. Through travel, conversations with citizens, and participation in dance forms, I will observe the state of diversity in Brazil.

Elena Dimitri, Dance
Rising 4th Year Award
Brasil; Dança e Relaçoes
From May 22nd to June 21st, I will participate in University of Southern Florida's study abroad program in Salvador, Bahia. The program's theme revolves around Afro-Brazilian Culture and Society, which will undoubtedly inform my research. The course will touch on Brazilian colonization, slavery, and contemporary race and ethic relations. The course readings and my professor will be valuable resources that will help guide my research. In addition to the cultural course, I am enrolled in an intermediate Portuguese language through the local university, Faculdade Social da Bahia (FSBA). The language instruction will improve my ability to communicate with Brazilians, which will also strengthen the quality of my research.

Rebecca Galt, Dance
Rising 3rd Year Award
Dance for Parkinson’s
I desire to learn more about the methods used to help people with Parkinson’s disease through dance, and I believe that this grant will help me discover the benefits and practices of dance therapy while concentrating on Parkinson’s disease. For me, this project will begin my exploration into the potential uses of dance as treatment and to help me gain a better perspective on the real benefits of dance for Parkinson’s patients. It also will be exciting to uncover more associations between my academic and artistic studies.

Rebecca Galt, Dance
Rising 4th Year Award
Creation of a Senior Concert through the Exploration of my Choreographic Process
This grant will help me further discover and expand upon my movement vocabulary so that I can continue to generate innovative movement and find new inspiration for my next choreographic effort.

Ava Lonergan, Studio Art
Rising 3rd Year Award
Returning to Woodberry: A Photographic Exploration
I grew up at Woodberry Forest School, an all-male boarding high school tucked away in rural Madison County, Virginia. In addition to living on campus from the age of four, I became the only female student there for my final three years of high school. I’m interested in returning to Woodberry to explore, for a year, its unique culture through photography.

Ava Lonergan, Studio Art
Rising 4th Year Award
Photography and Bookmaking
I would like to apply the knowledge and skills learned in Pam's Photobook class and the Penland workshop to create a book of photographs from the Woodberry Project I've been working on this semester (funded by the 3rd Year Arts Scholars Arts Award I received in the fall). While I have taken a lot of photographs at Woodberry, I currently do not have any plans to exhibit them or present them (other than a PowerPoint for the 3rd Year Arts Scholars Award Presentations on April 27). The photographs are meaningful to me and could be a useful addition to Woodberry's archives. I'd love to create an edition of five books that present my Woodberry photographs and a short essay on my project and my relationship with Woodberry.

Julia Pedrick, Studio Art
Rising 3rd Year Award
Sculptural and symbolic study of the mother archetype
Throughout my psychology studies, I have found that Jung’s collective unconscious is a fascinating psychological theory that I would like to put into artistic terms. The collective unconscious is the idea (albeit very theoretical) that within a species, all members have some sort of innate, unconscious knowledge of universal human concepts. These concepts, which are very often figures of some sort, are called archetypes. Of the seven key archetypes that Jung describes, I am most drawn to the mother archetype. Relating to the idea of the ‘universal mother’, I am also interested in the therapeutic idea of a mother. In therapy, the therapist passes no judgment and offers the patient almost no personal information about him or herself. By doing this, the therapist in a way simulates unconditional love; a sensation most people only feel with their mothers (and fathers) when they are very young. My goal is to unify these two psychological aspects in a tangible, artistic sculpture that a viewer could see and maybe understand (or subconsciously understand) the ideas behind it.

Julia Pedrick, Studio Art
Rising 4th Year Award
Continuation of Archetype of Mother Figure
I am interested in further exploring the mother archetype, but also the other archetypal figures. My goal is to make as many of the seven figures in a sculptural or performance art form. I want the audience to experience the collective unconscious by interacting with three-dimensional works, or by interacting with a space or myself in a performance piece. This project is intended to have a definite sculpture to end with, but it also serves as research or a study of the archetypes on a personal level.

Alex Rafala, Drama
Rising 3rd Year Award
Farewell Old Stringy
My goal is to make a short film and submit it to film festivals. Potential Film Festivals: Sundance Film Festival, Cannes Film Festival, Toronto Film Festival, Tribeca Film Festival, Telluride Film Festival, Virginia Film Festival, and many others.

Alex Rafala, Drama
Rising 4th Year Award
Farewell Old String Post Production Costs
Goal: To continue funding for my ongoing film project, Farewell Old Stringy. The first Arts Scholars Award I applied for and received was dedicated to the Pre-Production and Production phases. This grant will supplement the Post-Production costs, which will include Film Festival Submissions Fees and Manufacturing and Distributing Kickstarter Rewards. Post-Production is extremely important in the film making process because it determines whether or not the film is seen, exhibition being the ultimate goal and desire of a filmmaker.

Erica Ruth, Studio Art
Rising 3rd Year Award
Women in Transition
There is a recent trend in our society to not only document every milestone in one’s life, but to now professionally document it. From new loves and engagements, to marriages and anniversaries, our culture has become obsessed and deeply intertwined with the idea that one must have outstanding pictures of a moment to make it last. But what about those transitions in life that don’t normally warrant a photograph? A new relationship, a breakup, a new child, a shift in sexuality, a new responsibility-everyday can be a new experience for someone, and these experiences can shape and mold who we are as people in an instant. I wish to capture a moment in a woman’s life when this transformation is taking place.

Thomas Scheevel, Music
Rising 3rd Year Award
Variable Undertone Effects Unit
I am currently building an electronic effects unit with the goal of helping a modern musician with two challenges that have been present for as long as instrumental music has been in existence- thinness of a solo line and the sluggishness of bass instruments. This unit addresses these issues by adding undertones into the audio signal.

Thomas Scheevel, Music
Rising 4th Year Award
Open Architecture Effects Unit
My project aims to introduce a new class of digital effects unit, by taking the technology to its next level of abstraction. The full system will be comprised of a small computer running audio processing software, and a set of physical control switches, sliders, pedals, or any other of the myriad physical sensors available today. Audio will be processed through the computer, with the performer controlling the effects using their network of physical sensors. What will be developed here is a set of effects software and a hardware interface protocol to connect live controls to the effects unit.

Trenley Anderson, Music
Quebec Counterpoint, Summer Clarinet Study
Trenley Anderson attended the Orford Academy for the Arts in Canada for an intensive clarinet study.

David Cook, Studio Art
The Paradoxical Dynamic between an Artist's Sensibilities and the Artist's Audience
David Cook studied at the International School of Drawing, Painting, and Sculpture in Montecastello, Italy to broaden his horizons and find new inspiration for his work.

Martha B. Eason, Music
Martha participated in the Georgia State Opera Scenes Program's "Harrower Opera Workshop" as a singer, then traveled to Italy for the Opera Festival Di Roma, where she was an arts administration intern and also took part in the opera scenes workshops as a singer.

Courtney Fox, Music
The Intersection of Music and Health
Courtney Fox traveled to the University of Florida, Columbus State University, and Montclair State University to attend workshops and lectures about the growing role of music in contemporary healthcare.

Stéphane Glynn, Dance
Environmental Impact on Movement
Stéphane Glynn investigated the relationship between the environment and the everyday movement of people, both in New York City and in Charlottesville. Visit

Cornelia Granbery, Dance
Cornelia researched various dance genres through classes in New York City and interned with the Dance Film Association.

Elisabeth Hogeman, Studio Art
One Might Weep if No One Saw
Elisabeth Hogeman made series of hand-stained, gelatin prints reflecting the melancholia many women experience after loosing their mother.

Casady Jackson, Studio Art
Rising 4th Year Award
5 large-scale paintings displayed at a self-curated gallery show
My proposal is a studio art project consisting of a series of 5 large-scale paintings displayed at a self-curated gallery show in the Comm School art gallery. The subject of the paintings is undecided, but I envision them to be personal and reflective of my experience at UVA. See attached art images sheet for reference.While I hope my work will be informed by artistic inspirations like George Bellows, James Ensor, Eric Fischl and others, I hope to discover and express my own “style” and artistic signature through this project. I plan to explore my relationship to painting in several specific areas: beautiful color making, expressive handling of the material, narrative storytelling, and simplified form making.

Max Krembs, Drama
Sound Design Off Broadway
Max Krembs traveled to New York City to provide original sound design for the award-winning Transport Group's The Patsy.

Caroline McCraw, Studio Art
Caroline created a body of photographs around T.S. Eliot's "The Waste Land," in a visual conversation.

Daniel Prillaman, Drama
Sacrificial Comedy
Daniel Prillaman used the award to fund the creation and production of a full-length sketch comedy show from scratch.

Jessica Smith, Dance
Jacob's Pillow Dance Festival
Jessica Smith served as the Development Fundraising/Individual Intern for Jacob's Pillow Dance Festival among a host of other opportunities in dance. Jessica will complete her work during the University's January term.

Jacquie Walters, Drama
Jacquie used her award to assist her with three internships in Los Angeles-two with major casting directors and one with a manager.